Biuletyn Historii Pogranicza



Algis Kasperavičius, Zenonas Butkus, Changes in the Social Structure of Lithuania in the Years of State Formation (1919−1923), 5

Wojciech Śleszyński, Dzierżyńszczyzna – Polish Experiment in BSSR. Construction of a Communist Vision of the History of Poland, 27

Barbara Bojaryn – Kazberuk, , Augustów Roundup (July 1945) – an Attempt at Summary, 41

Jan Jerzy Milewski, Cross-Border Cooperation of the Bialystok Voivodship with the Grodno Region BSSR and LSSR up to 1975, 53

Vitalija Stravinskienė, From Political Liberalization to Stagnation: Lithuanian-Polish Relations in the Vilnius Region (1960−1985), 71

Reviews, pp. 89-103

Scientific Chronicle, pp. 107-140

In memoriam, pp.  141