1. Authors interested in publishing an article in “Biuletyn Historii Pogranicza” (“Borderlansd History Bulletin”) should prepare the following texts:
- in the “Studies and articles” section: 8—10 pages of typescript, abstract — up to half a page,
- in the “Sources and materials” section: 6—8 typescript pages, abstract — up to half a page,
- in the “Discussions and confrontations” section: 1—2 pages of typescript; abstract: 2—3 sentences (main message),
- in the “Conferences and meetings” section: up to 2 typewritten pages,
- in the “Reviews and Notes” section: polemical review, 3—4 pages of typescript, review notes — 1 page of typescript.
Iconographic material should be attached to all texts.
Please submit your articles by e-mail by 30 April. Texts submitted later will qualify for the next issue.
2. Each submitted text should be affiliated and contain the following data:
- name (names) and surname of the Author;
- postal and e-mail address of the author’s workplace and (possibly) private e-mail address, indicating whether the Author agrees to its publication or whether it is possible to publish it through the editorial office;
- contact telephone number (for editorial information only, unless the author wishes otherwise);
- short information about the current place of work and scientific interests of the Author.
Persons submitting texts for publication in “Biuletyn Historii Pogranicza” (“Borderlands History Bulletin”) are also required to attach a statement enabling the author’s data to be made available in online journal databases.
If the text is delivered in a language other than Polish, please use Belarusian, Lithuanian, English or Russian.
3. Please be advised that all texts published in the journal will be simultaneously published online on the website of “Biuletyn Historii Pogranicza” (“Borderlands History Bulletin”).
4. The editorial office asks for sending only articles of a scientific nature, previously unpublished.
5. If the article was written by more than one Author, the Editorial Board requires disclosure of the contribution of individual people to the publication (including their affiliation and information about the author of the concept, assumptions, methods, protocol, etc. used in the preparation of the publication), which is the main responsibility of the author submitting the article. At the same time, the Editorial Board would like to inform that ghostwriting or guest autorship are manifestations of scientific misconduct, and the detected cases will be unmasked, including notifying the relevant entities (institutions employing the authors, scientific societies, associations of scientific editors, etc.). The editorial office should also obtain information about the sources of financing the publication, the contribution of scientific and research institutions, associations and other entities (financial disclosure). The editorial office will document all manifestations of scientific misconduct, especially breaking and violating the rules of ethics in force in science.
6. Out of concern for the high quality of the published materials, the Editorial Board will take all actions to prevent lowering the publication standards. All parties involved in the process of publishing texts in “Biuletyn Historii Pogranicza” (“Borderlands History Bulletin”) are obliged to comply with ethical standards in scientific publications and the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics COPE.
All Authors are requested to follow the following rules regarding the form of articles submitted for publication in our journal:
1. All texts should be sent by e-mail to the Editorial Office’s address: bhp@sybir.bialystok.pl
2. Please provide articles written in Word, font Times New Roman, 12, line spacing 1.5, margins 2.5 cm.
3. The name and surname of the author and the name of the scientific institution with which he/she is associated (in full) should be provided on the first page of the article, on the left side of the text, at the top. The title of the article should be written below in the middle of the page.
4. The first page of the review should contain the following: first name (in expanded form) and surname of the author of the reviewed work, its title and possibly a subtitle (in the case of a collective work, the name and surname of the editor should be given after the title), number of volumes, publisher name, place and year of publication, number of pages. Please place the name and surname of the Reviewer (along with the name of the scientific institution) at the end of the text on the right.
5. The space for footnotes is below the text at the bottom of each page. Continuous numbering is obligatory. Footnote numbers should be placed in the upper fraction, without parentheses or dots, in the line with paragraph indentation. References to footnotes in the text should be placed before the ending period sentence (except when an abbreviation ends, e.g. c. – age) or before a comma inside a sentence (except when they must be placed between words that are not separated by a comma). Please construct footnotes to the text according to the following formula:
compact print – author’s initial and surname, title of work, place and year of publication, page (p.);
collective work – initials of the name of the author, title of the article [in:] title of the collective work, editor (initial of the name and surname of the editor), place and year of publication, page (p.);
article – author’s initial and surname, title of the article, title of the journal in quotation marks, volume (volume), year, or number (number) or issue (book), page (page);
archival source – full name of the archive, name of the archival group, reference number (reference number), sheet (sheet).
6. We give volumes, yearbooks and books in Roman numerals, while the year of publication, notebooks, numbers — with Arabic numerals. The names of the months are written in Roman numerals when they appear together with the day and year (without any dots separating them), in other cases in wording (August 1, 1950; August 1; August 1950).
7. Please provide in the texts the full names of the authors of the cited items and other persons — if they are cited for the first time.
8. The editorial office reserves the right to introduce formal changes to the texts resulting from the necessity to respect the editorial rules, language culture, etc.